How We Play


We are so delighted that you could make it here & so should you. This is 1keachday, the platform that tasks your mental muscle & gives you joy while at it. Please note, we have rules, if you must play, you are expected to abide by these rules (Link at bottom of this page).

For starters, the following are essential & important to know:


First, you have to be a follower on any or all of 1keachday's social media channels (Please see the linktree link on any of our social media accounts) especially on Facebook & Instagram as information is mainly passed on these platforms. We advise that you turn on post notifications. The main event could be posted on any of our social media channels but especially our blog (See link below). You will be given ample time with details on each day's daily trivia.


Correct answers from our daily Snap-trivs will earn 1 point while incorrect answers earn 0.5 point. The idea is that you participate. If it gets to the point where you have to explain your answers and you don't do so convincingly or you copy another player's answer, you will earn 0 point. In other cases where we have more than a winner, a live draw or the audience decides the winner.

A weekly airtime gift of N500 will be awarded (Every Monday) to the person with the most correct answers between Monday and Sunday. Snap-trivs are published everyday at 7:00am, 8:00am & 9:00am while their revealed answers are published on the blog every 7:00pm, 8:00pm & 9:00pm.

Some Snap-trivs come with N200 surprise airtime too.

MVP (Most Valuable Player):

This is a monthly prize of Five Thousand Naira (N5,000) which will be given to the most active player in 1keachday.

Click Here to see qualification/more details

There is a joker bonus of 30 points, this only happens if the admin likes your comment on YouTube or X.

If you are a student, you are in big luck. We are currently working on a Ten Thousand Naira (N10,000) monthly cash prize for you to be a representative of 1keachday. Details will be passed in due time.


Our main event daily trivia will be posted on our blog but a bit earlier before time thereby giving everyone a chance to prepare before it is published in the day. We do this so you aren't caught off-guard. The date, time, venue & deadline will be communicated across to you. See image sample below:

The link to our blog - Click Here

Please click the link below to see more of our platforms. Also, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you go through our guide book, this helps you avoid 1keachday's jail, suspension or a ban, simply visit the link in any of our social media bios to begin.