One Disastrous Jollof...

One bright Sunday afternoon, Folake decided to order lunch online at a local buka, halfway into her food, she found a razor blade at the bottom bowl of her jollof rice. Normally these types of cases wouldn’t get much attention, but this was the tenth report about the same jollof rice buka within the month. So, 1k each day's FBI squad gathered four suspects and its your job to figure out what’s going on.

Suspect 1 - The Buka Owner

“Yes, I understand it might sound suspicious that as soon as I hired a new Jollof rice specialist & switched to using a new recipe this month that these reports started. Only that is time consuming, and no staff of mine wants to have to work more than they have to.”

Suspect 2 The Delivery Dispatch Driver

“I’m just trying to make some money. All my job does is take the bag of food from the buka and drive it to the destination. I’ve delivered hundreds of plates of jollof rice, if I was putting razor blades in them there would be way more cases.”

Suspect 3 The Jollof Rice "Cook" Specialist

“The Jollof Rice now comes out perfect unlike before I got hired when the taste was always sour, that’s why I upgraded the taste with fresh organic spices. It makes my job easier. I’ve never noticed anything when making the Jollof rice, but I have also only been working here for just one month.”

Suspect 4 The Buka's Customer Care Manager

“It could be anyone, even me. Every time I look at the Jollof Rice, there are slight colorations or dark spots around some parts of the takeaway packs. What makes things worse, the rest of the workers are angry due to having to deliver the Jollof Rice. Because our delivery driver has only shown up to work ten times in the past month.”

1. Who did it? 2. Explain how

Deadline is 6pm today.

Prize - 1k airtime


  1. Considering the information provided,
    Suspect 4, the Buka's Customer Care Manager,

    seems to be the most suspicious due to their knowledge of the quality issue with the Jollof Rice packaging and the potential motive to sabotage the busines.

  2. I think the culprit is the delivery dispatch driver.

    My reason is that the nature of his work, he knows that most people won't suspect him. It also appears that he lied about the number of deliveries he made just to cover up for the actual number of times (10) he showed up for delivery. His arguments were simply to push the blame on others.

  3. 1) Based on the statements provided, it is most likely that Suspect 3, the Jollof Rice "Cook" Specialist, is responsible for putting the razor blades in the Jollof Rice.
    2) Suspect 3 seems to have the most opportunity and motive to add the razor blades to the Jollof Rice. They claim to have upgraded the taste with fresh organic spices, which could be a cover-up for their actions. Additionally, their relatively short time working at the Buka aligns with the timeframe of the reports.

  4. Based on the information provided, it is difficult to determine with certainty who put the razor blade in the jollof rice. However, based on the given statements, some possibilities can be considered:

    1. The Buka Owner: The owner switched to a new recipe and hired a new jollof rice specialist, coinciding with the start of the reports. While this may seem suspicious, the owner claims that it is simply because the new recipe takes more time to prepare, and no staff member wants to work extra hours. The owner's statement does not provide a direct link to the razor blade incidents.

    2. The Delivery Dispatch Driver: The driver states that they only transport the food from the buka to the destination and have delivered numerous plates of jollof rice without any incidents. This statement suggests that the driver may not be responsible for the razor blades, as there would likely be more cases if they were involved.

    3. The Jollof Rice "Cook" Specialist: The new cook specialist claims that the jollof rice now tastes better due to using fresh organic spices. They have only been working at the buka for one month and have not noticed anything unusual while preparing the food. The limited timeframe and lack of awareness do not provide a clear indication of their involvement.

    4. The Buka's Customer Care Manager: The customer care manager mentions slight colorations or dark spots on some parts of the takeaway packs. The delivery driver's sporadic attendance has left the rest of the workers frustrated. While these factors may not directly implicate the manager, they provide a motive for them to sabotage the jollof rice.

    Based on the given information, it is not possible to definitively determine who put the razor blade in the jollof rice. Further investigation and evidence may be required to establish the culprit.


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