Snap-Triv 23

Crack the code here & unlock the key


  1. Ihematulam Nnadozie DelphineSeptember 22, 2023 at 6:44 AM


  2. 042

    Eliminate 7,3,8 because nome are correct.
    Meaning in the fifth clue, 0 is correct, but wrongly placed.
    1 & 6 don't appear as much options, so I'll keep them aside.
    Let's look at 2&4.
    Let's assume 4 is well placed in the first clue, but it's actually not, because in the second clue, as we are overlooking 1&6, that means 4 IS wrongly placed.
    This now means 2 is rightly placed in clue one.
    This brings us to clue 3.
    Two numbers correct, but wrongly placed (0,4).
    We concluded 2 is the third digit. So instead of 4,0, it's now 0,4...

    042 (@henryknightfire IG)

  3. 042

    Following the other hints,rearrange the third hint to give 042


  4. 042

    FB: Helen Idongesit


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