Snap-Triv 39


  1. 1. Key - Use key,
    2. Lock - To unlock/lock
    3. Door - Door
    4. Room - In a Room
    5. Switch on - To Switch on home appliance.

    Use key to unlock/lock door in a room to switch on home appliance.
    (P.S: Most likely when one is entering the room... So unlock)

  2. The correct sequence is
    Key: Take the key
    Lock: Unlock
    Door : open
    Room: enter
    Switch On : lit

    Take the key and open the lock of a door in a room and then swith on the light.

  3. The correct sequence should be Key, Lock, Door, Room and Switch on (in a scenario of entering your room).

    1. Key - You take your Key to...
    2. Lock - (un)Lock...
    3. Door - the Door to your...
    4. Room - Room, after which you...
    5. Switch on - Switch on the lights (in case of a dark room).

    (FB: Nsikak Jack)

  4. Let's assume you want to enter your room, the correct sequence will be:
    1. Key - bring out the key to...
    2. room - your room
    3.lock- unlock...
    4. door- the door, then
    5.switch on - the light.

    Thus, the arrangement becomes
    Key, room, lock, door, switch on
    (FB: Nnenna Nnanna)

  5. The correct sequence should be door, key, lock, room, switch on.

    When you come to a door, bring out your key to open its lock, you enter the room and then you switch on the lights.

  6. Correct sequence is door ,key,lock,room,switch one
    You have to first approach the door, take out the key,unlock the door then enter the room and switch on the light or appliances


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