Master Storyteller

Hi there, today's trivia has to do with your ability to tell a story by just watching this video. In your own words, write a story using the video here, it has to be in your own words. Remember, you must be creative, the person whose storytelling is unique, convincing & matches the video wins today's cash prize.


  1. I know I'm late but I just had to participate (I've been in church).


    In a small town located in the city of Mandigo, a child was born into a quiet, peaceful and loving family. From the moment he took his first breath, it was clear that his path in life would be extraordinary. His parents named him Daniel and they believed he was a special child from God to them. So they filed their love on him.

    As Daniel grew older, he became known for his curious nature and insatiable hunger for knowledge. He would spend hours exploring the woods surrounding the town, absorbing the wonders of nature, and pondering the mysteries of the universe. Apart from his love for knowledge, he had a keen interest in sports too and would, from time to time, engage his mates in football and all kinds of sport. Yes! All kinds because in everything, he was a "Jack-of-all-trade and master of all".

    In his youth...

    Daniel had a vision of building a magnificent library, a sanctuary of knowledge where people from far and wide could come to seek answers and find solace in the pages of written works. He set out on a journey to acquire knowledge and experience, visiting libraries, meeting scholars, and immersing himself in the wisdom of ancient texts. His determination was second to none!

    Years passed, and Daniel's dream came true. He built a grand library, with towering bookshelves that hardly fit into his small apart, filled with volumes from every corner of the world. People traveled from afar to bask in the knowledge within those walls, and Daniel reveled in the joy of sharing his passion with others.

    But as time went on, Daniel realized that there was more to life than books and the pursuit of knowledge. He longed for companionship and the love of a partner who would walk beside him on his journey. Fate smiled upon him when he met a sweet and beautiful damsel named Purity. Their love blossomed, and they shared a deep connection that fortified their hearts and souls.

    Together, Daniel and Purity embarked on countless adventures, exploring distant lands, and embracing the diversity of cultures they encountered. Their love for each other grew stronger with each passing day, and the world seemed brighter in their presence. They found joy in the simplest of things, cherishing moments of laughter, quiet affection, and shared dreams. This union was blessed with a son and they never denied the lad their love and parental support.


    Old age caught up with Daniel and Purity. Their bodies grew weary, but their spirits remained undiminished. Their only son grew, got married and Old Daniel experienced another level of joy: the joy of holding his grandchild.

    He was now a grandpa.

    He was fulfilled.

    He was ready to go home.

    Then the time came for Daniel to depart from this earth, and he did so with a serene smile upon his face, surrounded by those he loved. He had lived a life filled with purpose, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all who had crossed his path. Daniel's legacy lived on, carried forward by the countless lives he had touched–especially his son and grandchildren.

    And so, the tale of Daniel's journey of life reminds us of the transience of life, the power of knowledge, the beauty of love, and the significance of leaving a lasting impact on the world. May our lives be filled with joy, love, fulfillment and a lasting impact.


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  3. In the picturesque village of Mbape, nestled amidst lush green fields and surrounded by vibrant wildflowers, a male child named Okpara was born. From the moment he entered the world, it was clear that he possessed a spirit filled with zest and curiosity.

    As an infant, Okpara's infectious giggles could be heard echoing through the village streets, melting the hearts of all who encountered him. His parents, overflowing with pride and love, watched as he grew stronger with each passing day. With every milestone and each trip to the village school, it became evident that Okpara was destined for greatness.

    The village school opened doors to a whole new world for young Okpara. He devoured knowledge like a hungry lion feasting on its prey.

    As Okpara transitioned into his teenage years, he became a beacon of inspiration for both his peers and elders. With his athletic prowess, he dominated the village soccer field, leaving opponents in awe of his skillful footwork and unwavering determination.
    Though Okpara's adolescence was filled with youthful exuberance, he never forgot the importance of education. With unwavering dedication, he balanced his studies and sports. The entire village could sense his potential, envisioning him as a future leader who would bring honor and prosperity to their community.
    His talents seemed limitless.

    When Okpara reached adulthood, love blossomed in the form of a young woman named Adanna. Their connection was undeniable, and their courtship seemed straight out of a fairytale. They danced beneath moonlit skies, their laughter mingling with the melody of crickets, and pledged their hearts to one another.

    With time, Okpara and Adanna's love deepened and matured, weathering the storms that life threw their way. Together, they created a harmonious home filled with affection and support, nurturing each other's dreams and aspirations. Adanna's laughter became the symphony of Okpara's heart, and their bond served as an unwavering anchor amidst life's turbulent seas.

    As the years unfolded, Adanna brought the gift of children into their lives. Their family grew, and Okpara reveled in every moment shared with his offspring. He taught them life's valuable lessons, guiding them with kindness and wisdom, ensuring that they too would carry forward their family's legacy.

    Over time, Okpara gracefully embraced old age, still fiercely in love with Adanna. Theirs was a love that had stood the test of time, their hearts intertwined like vines on an ancient oak tree. They cherished quiet moments together, hand in hand, reminiscing about the adventures they had embarked upon and the memories they had woven throughout the tapestry of their lives.

    As the years whispered away, Okpara became a proud grandfather, doting on his grandchild with stories from his youth, enveloping him in warmth and love. His aged hands cradled their tiny fingers, passing down the torch of love, knowledge, and resilience. He instilled in them the same passion for life that had propelled him to greatness.

    When Okpara's time on Earth drew to a close, the entire village mourned the loss of a beloved son, husband, father, and grandfather. Yet, their sorrow soon transformed into a celebration of a life well-lived.

    Okpara was laid to rest, surrounded by wildflowers that danced in the gentle breeze, a testament to a life that had bloomed brightly and touched countless souls.

    And so, the story of Okpara serves as a reminder to embrace every stage of growth, to savor the flavors of life, and to recognize that our true riches lie in the relationships we cultivate. It is a tale of a young boy who blossomed into a man of unwavering spirit, fierce determination, and boundless love, leaving an indelible mark that will forever be remembered.


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