Yestreday's Snaptriv Answer

Although the killer sounds brutal, he would be way more than 100 years old, and most likely already dead, or at least too old to use the Machete.

So, the right answer is door #4.

Halimat needs to take the first 13 cards from the top and simply flip them over. That’s it. Done.

If you don’t believe this, let’s analyze check it out.

Here is an example: You took the first 13 cards from the top and let’s say, there are nine facing-up cards in that first pile. This means that the remaining pile would have only 4 facing-up cards as we know from the beginning, that 13 out of the 52 cards were facing up. If you flip the first pile over, four cards will be facing up and nine will be facing down.

The deaf and dumb man gave N1,000 so the movie ticket staff knew that he wanted 2 tickets. Otherwise, he would have only given N500.


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