1. You cannot bury a living man. 2. The girl was bald. 3. You are playing baseball. 4. A coffin. 5. None. Moses wasn’t on the ark, Noah was. 6. The dish will be full at 12:44. 7. Mount Everest was the tallest mountain even before it was discovered.
Congrats Henry Manuel. You were the first to successfully submit the correct answers to this crossword. Please send your phone number & network of choice to our Instagram account before 11pm tonight.
Solve these riddles. 1. Why can’t a man living in Nigeria be buried in Ghana? 2. A girl was outside taking a walk when it started to rain. The girl didn’t have an umbrella and she wasn’t wearing a hat or scarf. Her clothes got soaked, yet not a single hair on her head got wet. How could this happen? 3. You leave home and go to your right. You reach a corner and turn left. You reach another corner and turn left again. You reach another corner and turn left again and go home. When you get there, there is a person with a mask there waiting for you. What’s happening? 4. Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it? 5. How many of each species did Moses take on the ark with him? 6. A petri dish hosts a healthy colony of bacteria. Once a minute every bacterium divides into two. The colony was founded by a single cell at noon. At exactly 12:43 (43 minutes later) the petri dish was half full. A...
Complete Clue List Across 3. Comes from an acorn 6. Pleasantly old-fashioned 7. If I give you this, you will take a mile 8. This crossword is full of them (singular) 9. Number of players in a cricket team 10. Homes for squirrels 12. Could be a theatrical performance 16. Plant with brightly coloured flowers 18. Encourage or assist 20. Larva of an insect or pub food 21. Come by 22. An age Down 1. Shoot-out 2. Like a tough fibrous tissue 3. Additional 4. Long-winged bird of prey 5. Screech 8. Large marine fish 11. Shaving aids 13. A market or exchange 14. Towards the stern 15. Castrated male chicken 17. A roundish projection or division, as of an organ or a leaf 19. Way out
A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him underwater for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?
1. How often do you participate in our Snaptrivs? If none, explain why. 2. If you participate in our Snaptrivs, which one(s) do you enjoy more/the most?
1. Start both the 7 minute hour glass & 11 minute hour glass. 2. Wait till the 7 minute hour glass times out. Time is 7 minute! 3. Restart the 7 minute hour glass. At this time 11 minute hour glass will have 4 minutes left to time out. 4. As soon as 11 minute glass times out invert the 7 minute hour glass. Total time now is 11 minutes. 5. After inverting 7 minute hour glass, it will now have 4 minutes left for time out. 6. After these 4 minutes times out, the total time is 15 minutes.
CAPHE Unscrambled, all of these words (carrot, onion, potato, broccoli, and celery) are vegetables, with the exception of CAPHE, which unscrambles to "peach."
Good evening people, today's trivia gets you cash for grabs & a qualifying chance to win an all expense paid-for meal. Visit @hearthcafeng on Facebook, X & Instagram, 1. Leave a like on foods that interest you on 2 out of the 3 2. Share on Facebook & Instagram 3. Comment on Facebook & X The highest number of reactions/engagement on 2 out of the 3 platforms before 10am tomorrow wins. Top 5 will be shortlisted for a free meal of your choice (Qualifying round) All the best.
WEIGHTS Assuming you place weights on both side of a weighing balance and you need to measure all weights between 1 and 1000. For example if you have weights 1 and 3, now you can measure 1,3 and 4 like earlier case, and also you can measure 2,by placing 3 on one side and 1 on the side which contain the substance to be weighed. So question again is how many minimum weights and of what denominations you need to measure all weights from 1kg to 1000kg.
Solution 1 : Pull the snake and throw towards the lion. The lion will fear for the fraction of the time. Use this time to jump towards the axe. Kill the lion using an axe and feed the dead body of the lion to the crocodile. Solution 2: This scenario can only be possible in the dream. so boy should wake up and escape. Solution 3: Pray to god.
First Person: 3 full bottles, 1 half empty bottle and 3 empty bottles. Second Person: 3 full bottles, 1 half empty bottle and 3 empty bottles. Third Person: 1 full bottle, 5 half empty bottles and 1 empty bottle.
Today's trivia involves 2 crosswords. You are to solve them but first, leave your email addresses in the comments & send your answers via mail to thenirvmac@gmail.com The first correct entries wins. All the best
As illustrated in the image below, a boy is fighting for his life. This is definitely the worst possible scenario for the boy as there are multiple life threats at the same time Threat-1: If the boy moves toward the right a snake is ready to bite and put his life to end Threat-2: A hungry Lion is roaring and waiting for the boy to drop and be his dinner. Threat-3: The two crocodile in the river waiting for the chopped branch to break so that boy can fall in the water. Choose an escape plan for the boy?
You are distributing vegetable oil. There are 21 bottles in total out of which 7 are full, 7 half empty and 7 empty. The oils has to be distributed among three people. How will you distribute so that each person gets equal number of bottles and the same quantity of oil?
How good is your memory? Today's trivia shouldn't be difficult. Here, you are to find what is missing from the guide book ( Click here ). If you see it, kudos to you, you should be working for the CIA or FBI. All the best!!!
Answer = 3 Explanation: If I had 4 eggs -- Its just imagination. A thief gives me 3 -- I go three eggs. My farm rooster lays 5 eggs -- A Rooster can't lay eggs.
Dear player, good evening... Today's trivia requires you to refer back to yesterday's trivia based on an article about Nigerian millennials. Here, you are to: 1. Look for the total number of the word "Nigerian" in that article 2. Write a paragraph off that article with the total number of the word in (1) 3. Ensure that your paragraph reflects yesterday's article & it makes sense. Please do not copy anyone's answer, if we notice or see a similar pattern, you will be disqualified by default. All the best!
38 Explanation: The total number of triangles are 8. Let us divide the triangles in three categories: small, medium and large. If we start with the small triangles, you can count a total of 24 triangles. 12 triangles (3 + 4 + 3 + 2) are upward facing and 12 are downward facing. Next, we count the medium sized triangles. You can find a total of 12 triangles. 6 triangles (3 + 2 + 1) are facing upwards and 6 are facing downwards. Lastly, if you calculate the large triangles, they are only two. One is upward facing and one is facing downward. 24 + 12 + 2 = 38.