
Showing posts from February, 2024

S2:S113 Series

Hi, please leave your answers in the comment section below. Answer with the question number.

Can You Count?

Hi there, please leave your answers here... All the best.

Main Trivia: Football Prediction

Today's trivia: Predict the final scores for the match between  Chelsea  &  Liverpool FC  Leave your answers in the comment, the first to predict correctly before 4:00pm today wins.

S2:S112 Series

Leave all your answers here. Your first question will be published at 9:30am

S2:S111 Series. Leave your answers here


S2:S110 (3)


S2:S110 (2)

Remember, you must use all the letters you see in the image above & give us Four words from it. Understand that you MUST NOT repeat a letter that has already been used to create another word.

S2:S110 (1)

Remember, you must use all the letters you see in the image above & give us Five words from it. Understand that you MUST NOT repeat a letter that has already been used to create another word.


  We will be having a batch of trivia series today. Simply click on our linktree link (Found on our social media bios), click the first link & you will be redirected to our parent company where the set of trivia will be published. Answer all trivia in the comments here & keep checking every now & then for more trivia questions today.  Deadline - 10pm. All the best!

The Color Red

  For today's trivia, find the color Red in its "SOLE ENTITY" from this article (See link below). In simple terms, find how many standalone spots the color red has it the article. e.g. From the picture of a man holding money above, there is just one red entity - The background. All the best! The link - Click Here  


Complete Clue List Across 1. The Beatles went on a "Magical Mystery" one 5. Craving 8. Let go of 9. Heroic story 11. Great-great-grandson of Noah 13. American forefather for whom a beer was named (6,5) 16. "Batman" sound effect 17. Capital of Egypt 19. French hat 22. Bear, in Barcelona 23. "The Matrix" hero 25. English river 26. He had a flying circus (5,7) 29. Pelvic bones 30. Goofs 31. Spanish king deposed in 1931 32. Competent 33. Norse thunder god Down 1. Golfer's need 2. Companion of sacred Judaic object Thummim 3. Received, in Rouen 4. Edison rival 5. Not new 6. Country singer McEntire 7. What we hear with 10. Sun shield 12. Roman ruler 14. Deep black 15. Ted Nugent's old band, The ___ Dukes 17. Funnies 18. Sea of Greece 20. Scooby-Doo's famous quote (3,3) 21. Mathematical object analogous to a vector 24. English derby site 27. Folk story 28. Quiz


Complete Clue List Across 1. Skene (Patellas) 4. Slate (Rob) 7. Kin (Tattoo) 8. Ayers (Ages) 9. Argue (Corkscrew) 10. Cat (Perform) 11. Elk En (Genuflect) 14. Heart (Planet) 17. Keats (Post) 20. Andes (Hardtop) 23. Mug (Resin) 24. Range (Ire) 25. Lease (Artist's stand) 26. Ear (Epoch) 27. Cleat (Flamboyance) 28. Any Or (Sabra Silk) Down 1. Yakka (Canoe) 2. A Seer (Rub out) 3. Sails (Agave) 4. Teaks (Glide) 5. Agree (Avid) 6. Churl (Stagger) 12. Tun (Edible Kernel) 13. Lek (Wapiti) 15. Lea (Beer) 16. Ate (Cuppa - informal) 17. Gates (Phase) 18. Glean (Spirit) 19. Greet (Heron) 20. Mares (Sully) 21. Study (Sooty) 22. Lonny (Stocking)

S6:S106 - S110 Answers

  10 letter Words made out of wrestlemania 1). limewaters 2). metalwares 3). reanimates 4). streamline 5). waterlines 9 letter Words made out of wrestlemania 1). alienates 2). animaters 3). antimeres 4). elaterins 5). enamelist 6). entailers 7). intermale 8). lamenters 9). laminates 10). limewater 11). marinates 12). materials 13). materiels 14). melanites 15). metalware 16). mislearnt 17). misrelate 18). nearliest 19). reanimate 20). terminals 21). tramlines 22). treelawns 23). treenails 24). waterline 8 letter Words made out of wrestlemania 1). ailments 2). alarmist 3). alienate 4). alieners 5). aliments 6). amentias 7). amirates 8). amreetas 9). animater 10). animates 11). antimale 12). antimere 13). antisera 14). antiwear 15). arenites 16). arsenate 17). arsenite 18). asternal 19). ateliers 20). awaiters 21). earliest 22). elaterin 23). emanates 24). emirates 25). enlister 26). entailer 27). entrails 28). etamines 29). eternals 30). lamenter 31). laminate 32). lamister 33). lat...











Yesterday's Snaptriv Answers



Which button should he press to escape the room? Explain.


Remember, you must use all the letters you see in the image above & give us Five words from it. Understand that you MUST NOT repeat a letter that has already been used to create another word.




  Remember, you must use all the letters you see in the image above & give us Five words from it. Understand that you MUST NOT repeat a letter that has already been used to create another word.

Yestreday's Snaptriv Answer

Although the killer sounds brutal, he would be way more than 100 years old, and most likely already dead, or at least too old to use the Machete. So, the right answer is door #4.


At the cinema box office, a (Physical challenged) deaf and dumb man came to the box office ticket counter. The movie tickets are N500 each. The p hysical challenged  man gave N1,000 and the cinema staff gave him 2 movie tickets without even checking or asking. Question: How did the cinema staff know that the man needed 2 tickets? Explain


Halimat is a pro with cards, today, she is given a deck of 52 cards from her friend Chinelo, and she knows in that pile are 13 cards that are facing up and the rest are facing down in a random order. Halimat is blindfolded and cannot see the cards. She needs to create two piles with the same number of cards facing up. Question: How can she do it? Explain


One day, Dayo took a casual walk in the jungle when suddenly, he walked into a big house. The house looked abandoned so Dayo decided to check it out. Just as he walked in, the door behind him (with a loud thud), closed. Dayo saw a note that said the door is locked but there are four unlocked doors that he can use to get out. The problem now is what’s behind those doors. If Dayo opens the first door, he gets into a tank holding a hungry Tiger shark. A well full of hot water is behind the second door. The room behind the third door is filled with poisonous gas. If Dayo chooses the fourth door, he will face a serial killer with a Machete who has been killing people since 2020 and has already murdered more than 500 people. Question: Which door should Dayo choose to survive? Explain your answer(s)

S2:S98 Answer

  8 letter Words made out of beautifully 1). beautify 2). tableful 3). futilely 4). fauteuil 5). faultily 6). liftable 7 letter Words made out of beautifully 1). baleful 2). ballute 3). beatify 4). bullate 5). flyable 6). flybelt 7). ululate 8). fibulae 6 letter Words made out of beautifully 1). fibula 2). ballet 3). billet 4). bullae 5). beauty 6). tubule 7). tubful 8). fillet 9). telial 10). faulty 11). bluely 12). fealty 13). bullet 14). featly 15). tabuli 16). befall 17). fetial 18). taille 19). faille 20). liable 21). futile 22). alible 23). luteal 24). albite 25). albeit 26). labile 27). lately 28). lealty 29). ubiety 30). bailey 31). liefly 32). tuille 33). flatly 34). flutey 5 letter Words made out of beautifully 1). telia 2). tally 3). fable 4). leafy 5). fatly 6). flail 7). telly 8). fluyt 9). butyl 10). butle 11). bully 12). lefty 13). libel 14). table 15). flite 16). fault 17). laity 18). fille 19). filet 20). fluty 21). flyte 22). fully 23). filly 24). flute 25). fitly...

Can You Count?

Using the article that has this image here on the blog's timeline, find the numbers of the following letters and sum them altogether. 1. OP 2. IN 3. LA 4. NG 5. ONE

S2:S97 Answer

  7 letter Words made out of motorable 1). temblor 2). tearoom 3). lambert 4). bromate 5). boomlet 6). tombola 7). rebloom 8). tremolo 9). bloomer 10). bloater 6 letter Words made out of motorable 1). rebato 2). oblate 3). blamer 4). boomer 5). mortal 6). retool 7). armlet 8). bromal 9). boreal 10). borate 11). ramble 12). boatel 13). boater 14). robalo 15). bolter 16). bolero 17). reboot 18). ambler 19). molter 20). lobate 21). tooler 22). mooter 23). abloom 24). tombal 25). looter 26). lamber 27). merlot 28). labret 29). marble 30). tramel 31). morale 5 letter Words made out of motorable 1). bolar 2). realm 3). lobar 4). ratel 5). molar 6). ombre 7). metro 8). oater 9). mater 10). boart 11). metal 12). ramet 13). molto 14). obole 15). broom 16). labor 17). motor 18). motel 19). embar 20). morae 21). moral 22). bromo 23). brome 24). boral 25). moola 26). later 27). orate 28). botel 29). omber 30). bream 31). lamer 32). morel 33). abler 34). table 35). taboo 36). tabor 37). amole 3...

S2:S96 Answer

  11 letter Words made out of unforgettable 1). forgettable 10 letter Words made out of unforgettable 1). outgeneral 9 letter Words made out of unforgettable 1). entourage 2). flattener 3). forgeable 4). fortunate 5). lorgnette 6). outlearnt 7). refulgent 8). refutable 9). tenurable 10). teratogen 11). turntable 12). utterable 8 letter Words made out of unforgettable 1). aflutter 2). aleurone 3). baguette 4). battener 5). befouler 6). begotten 7). betatron 8). betelnut 9). brunette 10). burgonet 11). buttoner 12). elongate 13). fattener 14). flaunter 15). fluorene 16). fourteen 17). frontage 18). frontlet 19). frottage 20). funereal 21). gauntlet 22). gettable 23). grateful 24). nettable 25). obturate 26). outbleat 27). outeaten 28). outfable 29). outglare 30). outlearn 31). outrange 32). rebottle 33). rebuttal 34). rebutton 35). refluent 36). regental 37). regulate 38). rentable 39). roulette 40). tabouret 41). tetragon 42). tolerant 43). tolerate 44). tuneable 45). turbofan 46). ...

S2:S95 Answer

  7 letter Words made out of valentine 1). lenient 2). enliven 3). ventail 4). lineate 5). naivete 6). elative 7). veinlet 6 letter Words made out of valentine 1). tineal 2). lenten 3). venial 4). veinal 5). teniae 6). innate 7). leaven 8). lateen 9). invent 10). velate 11). neaten 12). levant 13). native 14). vineal 15). venine 16). linnet 17). alevin 18). tenail 19). valine 20). alvine 21). entail 5 letter Words made out of valentine 1). inane 2). inlet 3). tinea 4). evite 5). veena 6). tenia 7). laten 8). navel 9). linen 10). lieve 11). nieve 12). liane 13). nival 14). levin 15). naive 16). naevi 17). leave 18). leant 19). telae 20). telia 21). liven 22). latin 23). anele 24). venae 25). anvil 26). anile 27). venin 28). anent 29). venal 30). alive 31). aline 32). alien 33). vinal 34). vitae 35). vital 36). eaten 37). enate 38). elint 39). elate 40). entia 41). elite 42). valet 43). event 44). elain 4 letter Words made out of valentine 1). nite 2). vile 3). nevi 4). neve 5). veal...

S2:S94 Answer

  10 letter Words made out of appellations 1). altiplanos 2). appellants 3). palpations 4). papillotes 5). pollinates 6). spallation 7). tailplanes 9 letter Words made out of appellations 1). allanites 2). allantois 3). altiplano 4). antipoles 5). antipopes 6). appellant 7). neoplasia 8). oppilates 9). palatines 10). palliates 11). palpation 12). panoplies 13). papillate 14). papillons 15). papillose 16). papillote 17). pieplants 18). plotlines 19). pollinate 20). popliteal 21). sailplane 22). sopapilla 23). tailplane 24). talapoins 8 letter Words made out of appellations 1). alations 2). allanite 3). antipole 4). antipope 5). appoints 6). apposite 7). elations 8). insolate 9). lanitals 10). loppiest 11). nappiest 12). opalines 13). oppilant 14). oppilate 15). palatine 16). palliate 17). palliest 18). palpates 19). panelist 20). pantiles 21). papillae 22). papillon 23). pastille 24). patellas 25). pieplant 26). plainest 27). platanes 28). platinas 29). pleasant 30). plotline 31). p...











S2:S93 Answer


S2:S92 Answer


S2:S91 Answer


S2:S90 Answer


S2:S89 Answer



Remember, you must use all the letters you see in the image above & give us Four words from it. Understand that you MUST NOT repeat a letter that has already been used to create another word.


Remember, you must use all the letters you see in the image above & give us Five words from it. Understand that you MUST NOT repeat a letter that has already been used to create another word.

Football Prediction

  Hello, in today's trivia, you are to correctly predict the score-line for today's match between Nigeria & South Africa. Leave your predictions in the comments below.  You can only answer once. Deadline - 6pm.


Remember, you must use all the letters you see in the image above & give us Five words from it. Understand that you MUST NOT repeat a letter that has already been used to create another word.


Remember, you must use all the letters you see in the image above & give us Five words from it. Understand that you MUST NOT repeat a letter that has already been used to create another word.


  Remember, you must use all the letters you see in the image above & give us four words from it. Understand that you MUST NOT repeat a letter that has already been used to create another word.

Exploring the Future of Digital Money in the Year 3030

In the year 3030, the landscape of finance has undergone a monumental transformation, propelled by the relentless march of technological innovation. What was once a realm dominated by physical currency and traditional banking systems has evolved into a dynamic ecosystem of digital money, reshaping the way individuals and institutions interact with and perceive value. As we embark on this journey into the future, it is imperative to understand the factors driving the evolution of digital money and the implications it holds for society at large. The Rise of Cryptocurrencies: A Paradigm Shift In the year 3030, cryptocurrencies have firmly established themselves as the cornerstone of the digital economy. What began as a novel experiment in decentralization has blossomed into a global phenomenon, challenging the very foundations of traditional finance. Bitcoin, the pioneer of cryptocurrencies, remains a dominant force in the digital money landscape, serving as a store of value and a medium ...