
Showing posts from September, 2023

Snap-Triv 39 Answer


1keachday New Games By You

In 500 words or close & in 4 Paragraphs, suggest new games (which haven't been published before on 1keachday) to play which will be of great fun, benefits & interesting. Your time starts now...

Snap-Triv 39


Snap-Triv 38

Watch this short video clip below. In your own words & belief... 1. Are men & women equal?  2. Why?

Snap-Triv 37 Answer


Snap-Triv 36 Answer


More Adjectives & A Sequel

Empowering Youth: '1k Each Day' Unveils the Next Chapter of Possibilities In our ongoing journey with "1k Each Day," the future keeps getting brighter, and the possibilities continue to expand. As we unveil the next chapter of this remarkable platform, we're dedicated to further empowering the youth, creating opportunities, and fostering smiles that light up the future. The Evolution of Engagement "1k Each Day" has always been about redefining engagement, making it a dynamic and purposeful experience. In the sequel to our story, this commitment remains steadfast. Youngsters can look forward to an even more interactive and immersive journey. Imagine being transported into historical events through augmented reality, where learning becomes an adventure through time. Think about diving into virtual worlds where science comes to life, allowing you to explore the mysteries of the universe firsthand. This is the future of engagement with "1k Each Day...

Snap-Triv 37

How many people are in this video? How many black men are in this video? How many women are in this video? How many good actors are found? How many men are in this video?

Snap-Triv 36


Snap-Triv 35 Answer


Snap-Triv 34 Answer


Find the total number of Adjectives

Unlocking a Brighter Future with '1k Each Day': A Path to Smiles for Youngsters In a world where digital entertainment has become an integral part of our daily lives, "1k Each Day" emerges as a beacon of hope, offering not just amusement but a tangible path to brighter days for the younger generation. As we gaze into the future, the possibilities that lie ahead are bound to bring smiles to the faces of countless youngsters. A New Era of Engagement The rise of "1k Each Day" signifies the dawning of a new era in engagement. It's an era where young minds are not just passive consumers of content but active participants in a digital playground filled with knowledge, entertainment, and rewards. In a world where screen time often gets a bad rap, "1k Each Day" flips the script. It transforms those hours spent online into a productive and enriching experience. Youngsters can now dive into captivating quizzes, engage in brain-teasers, and explore though...

Snap-Triv 35


Snap-Triv 34


Crossword Wordcross 6

Complete Clue List Across 1. Final Soviet Union leader whose reconstruction policy names the 1990 video game, "Perestroika" (9) 6. Feelings, informally; also names a 2010 PlayStation Mini rhythm action game from Laughing Jackal (5) 9. In a multiplayer game, this person will usually be the first to lose (7) 10. New style of ROOM, VIZ space needed for "____ Arcade" (2016-7), VR racing game (anag., 7) 11. Tries to hit (6,2) 13. 19A + 13A: Mark Sinclair? "____ Wheelman", 2009 arcade-style driving game in Barcelona (surname, 6) 15. Pastoral poem (4) 16. Greet from a distance (4,2) 17. Out of the game? (abbr., 3) 19. 19A + 13A: Mark Sinclair? "____ Wheelman", 2009 arcade-style driving game in Barcelona (1st name, 3) 21. Gang fight; "Viewtiful Joe: Red (4D) ____", 2005 game in the "Viewtiful Joe" anime series (6) 22. "Vader Immortal: A ____ Wars VR Series" (2020), campaign over three adventure games (4) 25. Talk incessantly...

Snap-Triv 33 Answer


Snap-Triv 32 Answer


Spot The Difference Trivia Answers


Snap-Triv 33


Snap-Triv 32


Snap-Triv 31 Answer


Spot The Difference

Hi there, today, you will be spotting the difference on 2 different pictures... Please be as detailed as possible with your answers for easy understanding. Oh, and we are looking for fastest fingers... Thank you. 1. 11 Differences 2. 8 Differences All the best...

Snap-Triv 31

How many ladies were seen in skirts in this video?

Snap-Triv 30

Give your own unique distinctive meaning to the drawn cartoon-like pictures in this video. The most unique & creative person wins N200 airtime at 7pm.

Blast from da past...

Using an old main event trivia (Act 1, Scene 1 | September 12), find the total number of verbs (In its entirety) in that article. Leave your answers in the comments here.

Snap-Triv 29 Answer


Snap-Triv 28 Answer


Snap-Triv 29

How many squares are in this picture?

Snap-Triv 28

How many motorbikes are in this video? 

Essay, You Say?

Hey there, today, you will put your mental muscle to the test. In this challenge, you will be writing an essay of 350 words in 3 paragraphs. The theme is 1keachday , from its birth to this present day. The most creative thinker/writer will win today's prize. Mind you, we are looking for a distinct & unique writer & you have a deadline to beat. Could this be you? Let's go, your time starts now. Oh, one more thing... The deadline is now 9:30pm! All the best.

Snap-Triv 27 Answer


Snap-Triv 26 Answer


Snap-Triv 27

How many younger versions of the celebrities in this video smiled with their teeth showing?

Snap-Triv 26

How many visible round planets are in this video?

Snap-Triv 25 Answer


Snap-Triv 24 Answer

Dear Nnena Nnana, if you had stopped at number 1, you would have been our winner

Crossword Wordcross 5

Complete Clue List Across 1. 2011 Sum 41 single: "___ Bloody Murder" 6. Move head forward and back 8. Cousin of the Addams Family 10. "Star Trek" constable 11. Author Rand 12. 2004 Sum 41 song: "The ___" (6,3) 15. "Three" prefix 16. 2011 Sum 41 song: "___ Got" (3,4) 18. Two-player cooperative puzzle game: ___ & Obb 19. 2019 Sum 41 single: "___ for Blood" 20. President Martin ___ Buren 21. Not subtract 22. 2004 Sum 41 song: "I'm ___" (3,3,3) 25. Not begin 26. 2003 Sum 41 DVD: "___ Endings" (4,5,3,5) 30. Deciduous tree 33. 2011 Sum 41 album: "___ House of Blues, Cleveland 9.15.07" (4,2,3) 36. Painting or sculpture 37. 2004 Sum 41 song; "We're ___ to Blame" 38. Wapiti 39. Stage name of Esther Zynn 40. 2011 Sum 41 single: "Baby, You ___ Know" (4,5) 43. Former name of the CIA (abbr.) 44. 2002 Sum 41 song: "___ Up" (3,6) 49. River bordering Bangladesh and Myanma...

Snap-Triv 25

1. How many bole (roasted plantain) do you see?  2. How good are your eyes? Solve the trivia below.  Fastest fingers only. Winner will be published by 7:30pm tonight 

Snap-triv 24

Why does James Bond like his Martini shaken, not stirred?  Note - Be creative with your answer as we are looking for something unique. The winner will win N200 & will be published by 7pm. If you're answering as 'Anonymous', please include your Facebook or Instagram handle. Thanks. 

Snap-Triv 23 Answer


Snap-Triv 22 Answer


Nurturing the Potential of Nigeria's Youth - Part 2:

Welcome, in today's main trivia, find the two-worded letters that either make up as a word or are an addition to an already existing sentence or incomplete word to make it whole.  You will be looking for the letters - " US ", " AD " & " EN " Find them in the article below & list the total number of times you saw them in the comments. All the best!!! In Part 1, we explored the numerous advantages of being a youngster in Africa, with a particular focus on Nigeria. Now, let's delve deeper into how these advantages can be harnessed and nurtured to unleash the full potential of Nigeria's youth. Education Reform Education is the cornerstone of any nation's development, and in Nigeria, investing in quality education is paramount. Governments, both federal and state, should prioritize educational reforms that enhance curriculum quality, teacher training, and infrastructure development. Special emphasis should be placed on STEM (Science, Tec...

Snap-Triv 23

Crack the code here & unlock the key

Snap-Triv 22

List the name of the countries she represented here.

Snap-Triv 21 Answer


Snap-Triv 20 Answer


Crossword Wordcross 4

Complete Clue List Across 1. Letters and digits used for sorting mail (U.K., Austral., 8 or 4,4) 5. Green lights (2-6) 11. Country singer Tucker (5) 12. (Of games) involving several people (5-6) 13. Up-to-date OR aware of what is happening (8,2 or 8-2) 16. Avenue (6) 17. Memos (5) 18. Exploit (4) 20. Purchasing (6) 22. Bankrolls (4) 23. Kick hard (4) 24. Impatiently eager (5) 25. Lots (1,4) 27. Lubricates (4) 29. Autos (4) 31. Trafalgar Square figure (6) 32. Field of work (4) 33. Like fresh lettuce (5) 37. Levy (6) 39. Resident (10) 41. Shift blame to someone else (4,3,4) 42. Bottled water brand (5) 43. What is the common bond? (8) 44. Siblings (8) Down 1. Save for future use (3,5) 2. Appealing to the emotions (11) 3. Opportunity (6) 4. Dull (6) 6. Columbus's home (4) 7. Deceptive statements (4-6) 8. Star variety or roundabout blood group (1,4 or 1-4) 9. Game plan (8) 10. Divvy up (5) 14. They might bring in a few bucks (4) 15. Beginner, informally (4) 19. Contribute, as to a kitty...


Leave a comment if you loaded anyone!!! You get 10 MVP points

Snap-Triv 21

State your answers & explain how!

Snap-Triv 20

Explain your answer!!!

Snap-Triv 19 Answer


Snap-Triv 18 Winner

Congrats... The winner should send me a Facebook dm with phone number & network of choice tonight before 12 midnight.

Crossword Wordcross 3

SOLVE THE CROSSWORD Clue List Across 1. Guzzle (5) 7. Hand-held kitchen mixer (5) 10. Especially elegant (9) 11. Species of dwarf-fin whale (5) 12. Curly tailed Japanese dog (5) 13. Amateur night-sky astronomer (9) 14. Vital organ (5) 17. Leavening agent (5) 20. Pesky biter, (coll) OR "Harry Potter" journalist Rita (7) 24. Large prawn (6) 25. Fairness and justice in financial matters (6) 26. Sword-shaped part of sternum: ___process (7) 27. Past the point of caring (4,2) 28. Bell tower for bats? (6) 29. Elusive, slippery (7) 30. Opinion (6) 31. Gallipoli soldiers from down under (6) 32. Abstainer (7 or 3,4) 36. Mild oaths (5) 39. Mature (5) 42. Forcefully seizing an aircraft (9) 43. Army officer ranking (5) 44. A Nintendo brother (5) 45. Toreador in "Carmen" (9) 46. Pumpkin or squash (5) 47. Perambulates (5) Down 1. "Said", raven-style (5) 2. Capital of Nigeria (5) 3. Banquet (5) 4. Parrot's cry (6) 5. Shake like a jelly (6) 6. Sputter out (6) 7. Tired ...

Snap-Triv 19

How many shirts are in this video?

Snap-Triv 18

We want your creativity here. In one paragraph, explain this video. The most interesting & creative write-up wins N200 airtime . Deadline is set at 12 noon today & we will publish the winner at 7pm today.

Snap-Triv 17 Answer

Total number of triangles = 18

Snap-Triv 16 Answer
